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 Hume and Hovell

                           BEST BITS FROM HOVELL'S JOURNAL

                                   13th November 1824.
                                 The weather has been hot and sticky all day.
                                 Travelling has been tiring us and especially the cattle. The only bearable
                                 time to travel is at sunrise.  It appears there hasn't been any rain for a long time.
                                 The ground  is very dry, but the grass looks healthy.  The creeks are nearly dry.
                                 We had to travel more than two miles even after sundown, just for water.

                             14th November 1824.
                               (Sunday) We did not go on today because the cattle
                               were too tired from yesterday's travelling. Some of the men went hunting
                               and caught a big kangaroo. It was the first we had seen in four or five days.

         15. HAMILTON HUME.                                        16. WILLIAM HOVELL
         This photograph of Hamilton                                     The sketch of ''the late Captain
         Hume, taken not long before his death,                      W.H.Hovell, an Australian Explorer''
         was published in 1873 as  frontpiece                         was published in The Sydney Mail
         to the second edition of his brief statement.                on 20 November, 1875, a week after
                                                                                          his obituary appeared.

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