Changing Fashions in Albury
Cars in Fashion

At the time the local  government began caring for country roads, the new force appeared;   the motor vehicle.   This was to encompass the disappearance of the horse coaches and the horse and bullock wagons which  had  served the Albury district from the time it was first settled.  So to were to vanish the buggies, wagonettes, sulkies and carts of the nineteenth century.  Thompson's steam motor phaeton passed through on a  journey from  Sydney  to Melbourne in May 1900, but steam did not pass on.
A motor car passed  through Albury from Sydney in November 1901, averaging 25 miles per hour on the journey, with speeds sometimes reaching 38 miles per hour.  It left Sydney at 10 a.m. and reached Goulbourne at 10 p.m. the same day,  taking 3 days from Sydney to Albury.  In May 1909,  Albury Council decided to seek the passing of State Law to compel the  registration of all motor vehicles.   They would then be required to carry a number plate.

    CHILDREN'S   CLOTHING:  The children of Albury a long time ago used
     to wear lots of layers of clothing.  For Example,  the girls wore  petticoats, frocks,
     panti hose and bonnets.  Where as, the boys would wear trousers, braces,
    shirts and jackets.   But, usually if they were poor, they would just wear rags.

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